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CloudVerse for ITOps

Chand Deshwal
AI/ML | Data Science | Cybersecurity | Digital Strategy
Previously at

There’s a way to understand how cloud costs accrue by heart. CloudVerse is an engineer’s cost management platform to monitor and effectively utilize how cloud resources are used.

Your Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE)

Tag, alert and trace

Set budgets and alert thresholds to tagged resources.
Spot overruns or underutilized resources. Act fast and accurately predict future impacts.

Anomaly root cause analysis

CloudVerse analyzes and detects anomalies by Account, Service, Region and Category.
Investigate deviations that have driven resource count and cost up/down. Draw insights for usage predictability, from human errors to misconfigurations.

The same deployment velocity but better CFM practices

See per-cost-per-user consumption patterns, anomalies and top resource/app/service spend in real-time.
Allow individual product or engineering members to understand their own usage data and efficiency KPIs to help Finance optimize costs.

A log for every activity

See the who-what-when for every change made.
Admin utilities and permission settings for User and Organization levels.

Enable business and product divisions to keep cost in mind

What this means for:


The same deployment velocity but better CFM practices

Establish KPIs and cost strategies based on real consumption patterns
from engineers.


Every activity – logged

Filter activity logs and trace any unauthorized traffic to cost reports

Build products on the cloud and leave cost management to us.

FinOps enablement
Request a trial

The practical way to manage your multicloud spending

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CloudVerse Pte. Ltd.